No Teeth != No Pain

Well, I am now minus 4 wisdom teeth, but it hasn’t meant that the pain they were causing has gone away, indeed – it hurts a lot more right now than it did before. The only good thing is that I know in a couple days it won’t hurt any more, and then I’ll be firmly on the road to my mouth sorting itself out.

I had all 4 teeth pulled under local anaesthetic, so I got to see the whole thing going on. I also got to feel and hear some of what was going on, so that was interesting. I was actually a little surprised, because there was more pushing (down towards my gums) than there was pulling (as in tugging on the teeth). I don’t know exactly why, but I am guessing that it’s from the dentist cutting back my gums to get a clean shot at the teeth. Wondering what 4 wisdom teeth look like? That’s them down there!

4 little wisdom teeth

Too Much Wisdom

As measured in teeth anyway, apparently. I was at the dentist today and she tells me I am going to need to get all 4 of my wisdom teeth taken out. I was given 3 options as far as the actual surgical procedure goes;

  1. General anaesthetic – go to a hospital for the operation, pretty expensive
  2. IV Anaesthetic – apparently they can have an anaesthetist come to their surgery thing and dope me up, it’s somewhere between general and local
  3. Local only – they just stick a needle in me at their local surgery and rip the things out (hopefully!) – cheapest, but highest potential for great pain.

So what’s the verdict people? Anyone else out there had their wisdom teeth taken out? What sort of anaesthetic did you have? Would you reccommend it? I’m all ears, and need to make a decision soon, so please throw me your ideas ๐Ÿ™‚