Comprehensive list of the plural forms required for poEdit when translating different languages.
poEdit Plural Forms
The strings required to configure poEdit to handle plurals in all sorts of languages
Nice Translator
Awesome, “interactive” translator. Translates to multiple languages at once, as you type.
Codestyling Localization
Powerful-sounding plugin to help with the translation process of plugins. It plugs into wp-admin and then allows you to load up what needs translating from another plugin.
InterTran – Online translations
InterTran – Online translations
More translation options than Google, can be helpful in figuring out what people are saying online.
AIfIA Translations Project
Was talking with Peter, the organizer of the AIfIA Translations Project and it looks like they are into beta mode. It’s a great project which aims to identify key texts in the IA field and translate them to as many languages as possible.
So far, there’s some;
- Spanish
- Dutch
- Portugese
- Italian
- French
- Japanese, and
- Danish
which I think is pretty impressive. You can even get a large portion of the actual website in your preferred language once you go to the translations page (selection on the left).