Back To School Special

I’m officially back to study as of Monday, and this study period looks like it will be an interesting one. I’m doing 2 units again, both through Curtin, so no more dealing with RMIT‘s poor efforts at online education.

There are a lot of people who I’ve studied with before in my classes, so it kind of feels like I’m getting to know all the other people who are currently studying the BA Internet Studies. I’ve also looked at my assessment timeline, and it’s pretty solid – basically something due roughly every 2 weeks for the entire study period ๐Ÿ™

We’ll see how things go this time around! New computer just in time as well, nearly finished getting it set up and configured, just a few more things to do and then it’s all go.

Here We Go, Here We Go, Here We Go…

First day of study period 4 today!

This time around, I’m only doing one unit, called EBS11: Strategic E-Business. This should be interesting, if for no other reason than it’s offered through RMIT, rather than Curtin, which delivers most of my other units.

The unit has 3 assignments, worth 30, 40 and 30% of the total, in order. They look like they are going to be a bit of writing ๐Ÿ™

On first glances, I can make the following observations;

  1. Their LMS, “SERF” looks terrible. The UI is a shocker, and it’s not intuitive at all.
  2. The unit looks quite comprehensive, although I suppose that will remain to be seen once I start reading etc
  3. There’s an external text book, but I think I’ll hold off on buying it unless I really need to (this is an elective after all).

I’ll keep things up to date on here on the way through, and hopefully this unit won’t make my festive season too much of a drag!