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GitHub Flow Like a Pro with these 13 Git Aliases – You’ve Been Haacked
GitHub Flow Like a Pro with these 13 Git Aliases – You’ve Been Haacked
Over time, my laziness spurred me to write a set of Git aliases that streamline this flow for me. In this post, I share these aliases and some tips on writing your own. These aliases start off simple, but they get more advanced near the end. The advanced ones demonstrate some techniques for building your own very useful aliases.
Trailer.app – Keep your Github Pull Requests on track.
Trailer.app – Keep your Github Pull Requests on track.
keeps tabs on GitHub pull requests across repositories, directly in OS X Notification Center.
UX Project Checklist
Pretty amazing, comprehensive, cross-linked checklist for all the things relevant to UX in a project.
Add serverless video chat and data transfer to your website
Cross-tab Communication using localStorage
Cross-tab Communication using localStorage
Did you know that localStorage fires an event? More specifically, it fires an event whenever an item is added, modified, or removed in another browsing context.
Espion – Automated headless browser for scraping the web
Espion – Automated headless browser for scraping the web
Cloud-based web scraping via dynamically injected JS on the remote URL.
ustomizable date (and time) picker. Opt-in UI, no jQuery!
7 Minute Workout
7 minute workout, plus an advanced version, with voiceovers to walk you through actually doing them.
Adding Native Touches to Your Hybrid App
Adding Native Touches to Your Hybrid App
Some of the Cordova APIs for adding native elements to hybrid web apps.