I’ve been sketching some random thoughts and plans for a new Twitter client, and rather than restrict it to my notebooks and condemn it to the fate of so many other ideas of mine that never see realization, I’m putting my wish-list for what a decent Twitter client should allow me to do here. Feel free to roll these into another client and let me know so that I can just use it, rather than have to build it 🙂
Posts from May 2009
I have an obscene amount of laundry to do. I hate laundry.
Wolverine was awesome. Pretty much exactly what I expected. Loved it.
Just got my official vote by mail ballot. Efficiency and convenience, here I come.
Woman just ran past me and vomited in the gutter. Oink oink. #swineflu
“Fitbit automatically tracks your fitness and sleep”
How to roll back commits to an earlier version of a repository in SVN
How to roll back commits to an earlier version of a repository in SVN
This is a nifty shortcut to using the N:M method. Rolls back the last committed version.
F.lux: software to make your life better
F.lux: software to make your life better
“makes the color of your computer’s display adapt to the time of day, warm at night and like sunlight during the day.”
I'm starting #fetishfriday. What's yours? Mine is high quality/unique writing implements. Current fave: Mont Blanc Meisterstuck Le Grand
RT @IntenseDebate: New Plugins – AddToAny Share Buttons! http://blog.intensedebate.com