Absolutely incredible mashup of Youtube videos. This guy takes a bunch of videos and creates awesome music, with impressive video to accompany it.
Finally on the move for #JellySF. Never going to get a chair now!
Finally on the move for #JellySF. Never going to get a chair now!
I was doing so well with Inbox Zero… suddenly it's blown out to >20 items, and I can feel it wanting to keep going 🙁
Running late for #JellySF — apparently today is the day that everyone's (3 different clients!) servers explode!
Same homeless guy is in this cafe/wine bar having a glass of white wine again. Classy!
Anyone know where I can get a high-res, downloadable SxSW logo? Can't find one on their site… #sxsw
First Krav class in 2 weeks — this is going to hurt.
I certainly didn't anticipate that this widget would 1. take this long, or 2. be so hard to make work with Prologue Projects
Absolutely incredible mashup of Youtube videos. This guy takes a bunch of videos and creates awesome music, with impressive video to accompany it.
Two blondes walk into a cafe, order a glass of red wine each, then sit down and pull out tablet PCs. You finish the joke?
Dude next to me at Nook is doing some pretty incredible animation. Very anime/cartoon/video-game style stuff.