Bailing from one sysadmin job… right into another. Ugh.
Bailing from one sysadmin job… right into another. Ugh.
I'm just *not* a sysadmin… and yet here I am, again, adminning a sys. Ugh.
RT @willnorris: New, more flexible, authentication system coming in WordPress 2.8, courtesy of @willnorris http://tr.im/wp28_auth (nice!)
Does fixing a client's server qualify as awesome? http://dayofawesomeness.com/
Welcome to the inner sanctum.
Who else is going to SxSW? Let's try out Google Latitude and see if it's any use for finding each other 🙂 DM me.
That's is DreamHost. I've had enough of being hacked on your servers. When I get back from SxSW I'm moving to a new host. Ugh.
Holy cow – I'm going to #SxSW. Just got tickets etc. Freakin out excited!
The Tweet to Beat – Paying $3 per Twitter follower: http://bit.ly/16hEW3 (@tferriss)
Trying out DestroyTwitter to see if it makes an OK daily Twitter client.