Awesome, “interactive” translator. Translates to multiple languages at once, as you type.
Getting punched in the kidneys never gets any easier…
Getting punched in the kidneys never gets any easier…
Last Krav for a week. Double class, L1 and L3. Should be good. Then SxSW madness!
RT @ang: RT @kevinrose: live on @jimmyfallon, follow @bryanbrinkman (retweet) #experiment
Awesome, “interactive” translator. Translates to multiple languages at once, as you type.
Just got the bill for physiotherapy I had… almost 5 months ago. Smooth operation you're running there guys. Ever heard of "automation"?
Good lord. Only today and tomorrow to get everything done before #sxsw. So much to do.
Today has been a huge day on a variety of fronts. Despite some downers I declare it *awesome*. Fitting:
At It's a Grind, "strategizing" 🙂
Where the heck is this open_basedir restriction being implemented? I mean, really? Plesk? I hate you.