developerWorks : Web development : Technical library view
Awesome collection of developer-oriented articles from IBM developerWorks specifically about web development. All sorts of good AJAX, PHP, MySQL etc etc articles.
developerWorks : Web development : Technical library view
Awesome collection of developer-oriented articles from IBM developerWorks specifically about web development. All sorts of good AJAX, PHP, MySQL etc etc articles.
Cocoatron :: Automator Actions for XML Processing Pipelines
Awesome set of actions for Automator on a Mac to handle batch processing of XML files including application of XSL transformations, validation etc etc.
Mark Logic Server – The industry’s leading XML content server
XML Content Server with integrated, XML-based operations like XQuery, transforms, etc. – xsl tools | atom | 0.3
These are XSLT stylesheets for transforming an Atom 0.3 document in to a RSS 1.0 or RSS 2.0 document.
I’ve modified the namespace being used by XooMLe because it was conflicting with some XSLs and making them not work. The top-level namespace now looks like this;
Please let me know if this causes any problems for anyone.
As ‘buzzword’ as that sounds, that’s basically what I’m building for myself. It’s got an integrated bookmark manager, basic email features, news aggregation, calendar, file management, plus to-do list and sticky notes (via web-form or email thanks to the power of blosxom!).
It’s framed like crazy, but will include some cool DHTML tools and things to make it easier to use and more friendly. I’m basing as much as possible on XML/XSL as well, so that is proving to be interesting. I already have a basic version of the sticky notes and to-do list features working (ugly, but operational) and that’s using XML and XSL exclusively (coming from a blosxom backend!)
I hope to build it so that it’s easy to add new tools/features into it, and that it can provide a useful point for me to start whenever I get online, since it’ll be accessible from anywhere, and have access to most things I need!.
In amongst all the talk of the Atom API (which might one day actually be released and usable) and RSS, and with me working on some XML/XSL things at work, I realised that there’s probably another option entirely with blosxom as far as templates/flavours/themes goes, and it goes a little something like this;
Three Xs, therefore blosxxxom, that’s one for blosxom (Apple’s OSX), one for XML and one for XSL, which are the three technologies we’re dealing with here.
Now, for a couple notes;
Hope that’s inspired some people to try some things out that they might not have otherwise tried, and if nothing else, it just demonstrates how flexible blosxom really is! ๐