Gamatam Tasks tracks tasks between Worpress users, allowing users to edit the description, change the task status, change the priority and assign the task to a different user. It is not as comprehensive as most issue trackers (no work flow etc) by design, I found a lot of clients looking for something more useful than a spreadsheet or todo list, but not as complicated to use as bugzilla, trac et al.
Why Is Gravatar Still Not Mainstream?
Why Is Gravatar Still Not Mainstream?
Blog post with lots of interesting comments on what might be stopping Gravatar from being more widely adopted.
Running WordPress 3.0 alpha
I’m now running the development version/alpha of WordPress 3.0 on this blog so that I can get a feel for any changes (and fix any bugs!) before the official release. So far so good, the upgrade was clean and nothing significant is broken. This release is going to be awesome!
“A WordPress plugin which accepts comments via the Salmon protocol.”
Gravatar Signup Encouragement
Gravatar Signup Encouragement