Checked in at Automattic.
Getting ready for another #WordPress meetup (@ 6pm)
Cheezburger’s library for creating custom admin panels in WP really easily.
Checked in at Automattic.
#WordPress Meetup is ramping up here. Pizza and beer to get things started.
WordPress Plugins for Multiple Versions
If you’re a WordPress Plugin developer, you may find yourself in the unenviable position of needing to maintain one of your plugins across multiple versions of WordPress. Until recently, I maintained the IntenseDebate plugin for versions 2.5 and up of WordPress, including versions 2.6 of WPMU and up. That’s a lot of versions (10 actually, not counting minor revisions). Here are some tips I picked up/developed to try to make my life a little easier along the way.
Plugin for WordPress which allows you to grab content and publish it into common ebook formats (including PDF)
Dynamic Headings in WordPress
One thing that’s always bugged me in writing Posts/Pages content within WordPress is that you have to cater for different presentation possibilities. If you’re into web-standards, then that makes life difficult for things like headings (h1
, h2
, etc), when a block of content is presented in different contexts.
Ideally, your page should be structured with an h1
tag around the title of the most important concept on the page, an h2
around a sub-topic/concept, etc. On your home page, the h1
usually ends up going around your logo/site title, since that’s the over-arching concept. Then under that, you might have a listing of recent posts. Each of those posts should probably have their titles in an h2
. No problem so far, right? You just set up your template like that and you’re good to go. (more…)
WordCamp Savannah, 2010
I was lucky enough to spend last weekend in Savannah, Georgia for their first WordCamp. This was the first time I’d ever been to beautiful, historic Savannah. The humidity/heat was a bit much for me, but in general I had a great time. I gave a short presentation on the new comment_form() function which is available for themes to use since 3.0. I’ve embedded my slides below, along with a link to download a PDF version.