Personal names around the world
How names are handled in different parts of the world and the effects that might have on form/application design.
Personal names around the world
How names are handled in different parts of the world and the effects that might have on form/application design.
When UX skills are used for evil. “User Interfaces Designed to Trick People”
OmniGraffle UX Template – Covering all the basics
Link to a template that covers all the basics you should be “designing” as a UX designer.
Designing for Social Interaction
Interesting article about designing for social interactions with differing levels of social connections. Strong Ties, Weak Ties and Temporary Ties.
UX guy from Drupal that I spoke a lot with at GSoC Mentor’s Summit, 2009.
“View and Create User Flows, Viral Loops, and More.”
Collection of tools for usability/IA/UX testing.
“a free card sorting application for Mac OS X”