“GroupTweet turns a standard Twitter account into a group communication hub where members can post updates to everyone in the group using direct messages.”
Cross-network friend finding service.
Interesting looking Twitter app that seems quite powerful. Requires OSX 10.6.
Conference exploring all the technologies relating to cloud-based computing, mash-ups etc. Looks at distributed APIs and data-sources and how to mash them all together.
Web Service Authentication APIs
For a project I’m working on, I’ve been looking at a lot of web service authentication/verification APIs lately. I thought folks might be interested in the results. Here are the methods available for a variety of web services/applications online, with links to their appropriate docs:
How to quickly integrate with Twitter’s OAuth API using PHP
How to quickly integrate with Twitter’s OAuth API using PHP
Short tutorial with example code (PHP) on using Twitter’s OAuth API.
Allows you to set up an internal social network that integrates functionality from tools like Twitter and BaseCamp/Highrise. Includes task tracking and a lot of “live updates” type stuff.
Twitter Avatars In Comments WordPress Plugin
Twitter Avatars In Comments WordPress Plugin
WP plugin that allows you to try loading a Twitter avatar and/or a Gravatar for commenters on your blog.
Incoming! – A Twitter search client for your Mac
Incoming! – A Twitter search client for your Mac
“Incoming! is a Twitter search client designed for power users and social media experts. It lets you cut through the noise and find the tweets that matter to you most — so you can follow your favorite topics or keep track of what users are saying about your company’s products.”