Powerful CSS prettifier. Lots of nice rules to be able to generate CSS according to our preferred format.
Grunt: The JavaScript Task Runner
Grunt: The JavaScript Task Runner
Grunt allows you to automate all sorts of things in your JS workflow (minification, linting etc).
RIPS is a static source code analyser for vulnerabilities in PHP webapplications.
“SelfControl is an OS X application which blocks access to incoming and/or outgoing mail servers and websites for a predetermined period of time.”
Online javascript beautifier
“This little beautifier will reformat and reindent bookmarklets, ugly javascript, unpack scripts packed by the popular Dean Edward’s packer, as well as deobfuscate scripts processed by javascriptobfuscator.com.”
“GroupTweet turns a standard Twitter account into a group communication hub where members can post updates to everyone in the group using direct messages.”
Really well-executed group-scheduling tool
jQuery TOOLS
Awesome collection of well-made plugins for jQuery to handle lots of common UI tasks.
“Simple shell utility to convert html to pdf using the webkit rendering engine, and qt.”
Closure Compiler/Library
“Closure Compiler is a JavaScript optimizer that compiles web apps down into compact, high-performance JavaScript code. The compiler removes dead code, then rewrites and minimizes what’s left so that it will run fast on browsers’ JavaScript engines.”