::: Structured Blogging ::: http://www.structuredblogging.org/ #blogging #metadata #microformats #mt #plugins #semantics #standards #wordpress #xml ::: Structured Blogging :::
Tantek Çelik and Rohit Khare: The Progress and the Promise of Microformats – Knowledge@Wharton http://knowledge.wharton.upenn.edu/article.cfm?articleid=1526&specialid=55 #microformats #programming #standards #xhtml Tantek Çelik and Rohit Khare: The Progress and the Promise of Microformats – Knowledge@Wharton
AtomEnabled / Developers / Syndication / Atom Syndication Format Spec http://www.atomenabled.org/developers/syndication/atom-format-spec.php #atom #specification #standards #syndication #xml AtomEnabled / Developers / Syndication / Atom Syndication Format Spec Actual Atom spec
OPML 1.0 Specification http://www.opml.org/spec #opml #rss #specification #standards OPML 1.0 Specification