WordCamp Indonesia, 2010

WordCampID – January 30, 2010WordCamp Indonesia. The event was very well organized, with a core team (the same group from last year) involved in putting together all the logistics, handling media, organizing speakers etc. They handled things very well, despite a few problems which were out of their control (like bad name-tag printing and their stickers/WordPress buttons not making it in the mail!) and the day seemed to be a success for everyone.

Below are the slides and notes from my presentation, which covered the current state of WordPress, what’s coming up in the next release and some of the related projects. You can also get the slides on SlideShare. Click the link below the slides to expand my full outline/notes.

Meet The Family, Take Two

This weekend, I’m in Makati City, Manila for WordCamp Philippines. It’s the first time I’ve been over here and it’s been quite a trip (I wish I was staying for a lot longer!).

I’m planning on posting a more detailed entry covering my trip here, but in the meantime I wanted to get my slides up here so that I could point people to them immediately. It’s embedded below so please check it out, it’s an extended version of the presentation from last weekend at WordCamp LA.

View the slides here