kses – PHP HTML/XHTML filter
An (X)HTML filter written in PHP to strip out unwanted tags/elements etc – prevent XSS and other injection-attacks kses – PHP HTML/XHTML filter
An (X)HTML filter written in PHP to strip out unwanted tags/elements etc – prevent XSS and other injection-attacks
Tonight I secured webpad a little more heavily, standardised some more of the operations across different sections and generally tidied things up. I also added ‘delete post’ functionality to the currently supported blog systems (blosxom,, TypePad and LiveJournal), and that’s looking pretty slick.
Part of add the delete functionality required me to write out the (very, very simple) plugin API for adding and removing tools to the toolbar. I may be a little biased (and not at all modest), but I think it’s pretty cool 🙂 More about plugins later – but basically webpad 3.0 supports plugins through a “My Plugins” section, so hopefully people might even write some new features for it, allowing access to more external sources of text to edit!
So, I can hear you asking; what’s left? Well:
Oh yeah, and of course, I’m doing the whole dog-food eating thing and as usual, this is posted with the very latest version of webpad (from FireFox), using a couple of the tools and bits and pieces and it’s all looking good.