Custom Queries « WordPress Codex
Covers how to modify or create completely custom queries within WordPress. Includes quick detail on creating custom Rewrite Rules.
Custom Queries « WordPress Codex
Covers how to modify or create completely custom queries within WordPress. Includes quick detail on creating custom Rewrite Rules.
Apache htaccess Secrets, SSL Security, Hosting fun, XHTML CSS Standards.
webpad has been sorely neglected, and it is starting to show. I have a bad feeling that it won’t work on a default install of PHP anymore, and there are a number of reported bugs related to the install and configuration process which have done anything *but* go away with time. I think it is getting close to time that I need to re-write the core code for little-ole webpad, and try to bring things up to scratch.
There are also a number of improvements I would like to make to the system at the same time, but priority one will be to bring all of the existing code up to a certain level, then move forward to a new version.
And so… the requirements (as far as I am concerned) for version 2.1 public are;
With that out of the way, I will then look towards a 3.0 release, which should look something like this;