I have made it so that the /archives/ directory, from the root of the blog, houses all of the archives for the entire blog, organised by date. It simply parses the dates and then requests the details from blosxom. To sort out the issues related to relative vs. absolute references, I have added in # # #URL# # # (actually no spaces between any of the #’s) to the story template, which is replaced by my scripts with the root of the blog-tree when displaying it.
The only problem with this system at the moment is that I don’t think it’s actually passing the internal page anchor (after the #) when it displays the page, so it might not link down on the page to the specific post… I will have to experiment with this some more.
UPDATED: (about 3 seconds later) — it does load the correct place in the page, so it’s all good!
RESTments? REST-based comments for RESTxom
Am working on a commenting system for RESTxom which will store a parallel file for each entry called “<entry>.comments” and will act like a small flatfile database to store comments for each post, which will also, of course, have REST-friendly URLs.