I did something new every hour for 30 days—here’s how it went https://zapier.com/blog/try-something-new/?utm_source=Iterable&utm_medium=email&utm_campaign=itbl-gbl-pgv-ooc-blog_try_something_new_20231215-ctn #read I did something new every hour for 30 days—here’s how it went (more…)
Regretful Accelerationism https://stratechery.com/2023/regretful-accelerationism/ #read Regretful Accelerationism
The 3 Layers to Unlocking Team Trust: A Leader’s Guide – Leadership Garden https://leadership.garden/the-3-layers-to-unlocking-team-trust/ #read The 3 Layers to Unlocking Team Trust: A Leader’s Guide – Leadership Garden (more…)
Our stewardship of GitLab https://handbook.gitlab.com/handbook/company/stewardship/ #read Our stewardship of GitLab (more…)
Chesterton’s Fence: A Lesson in Second Order Thinking https://fs.blog/chestertons-fence/ #read Chesterton’s Fence: A Lesson in Second Order Thinking (more…)
Stripe’s Operating Principles https://stripe.com/en-gb-nl/jobs/culture #read Stripe’s Operating Principles (more…)
A Guide to Speeding Up Your Product and Engineering Teams https://blog.staysaasy.com/p/practical-ways-to-increase-product #read A Guide to Speeding Up Your Product and Engineering Teams (more…)
What Does Success Look Like for You? https://jacobobryant.com/p/what-does-success-look-like-for-you/ #read What Does Success Look Like for You? (more…)
Your Output Depends on Your Input https://austinkleon.com/2019/12/19/your-output-depends-on-your-input/ #read Your Output Depends on Your Input (more…)