How to Make Your Team Read Your Mind: Why Writing a Manager’s ReadMe Is Not Weird #read How to Make Your Team Read Your Mind: Why Writing a Manager’s ReadMe Is Not Weird (more…)
How I built a fully offline smart home, and why you should too #read How I built a fully offline smart home, and why you should too (more…)
America Lost Its One Perfect Tree #read America Lost Its One Perfect Tree (more…)
The zeitgeist is changing. A strange, romantic backlash to the tech era looms | Ross Barkan #read The zeitgeist is changing. A strange, romantic backlash to the tech era looms | Ross Barkan (more…)
52 Interesting Things I Learned in 2023 #read 52 Interesting Things I Learned in 2023 (more…)
The Value of Canonicity: What Happens When We Run an Engineering Organization by Constraining the Number of Tools in Our Toolbox “For the Greater Good”? #read The Value of Canonicity: What Happens When We Run an Engineering Organization by Constraining the Number of Tools in Our Toolbox “For the Greater Good”? (more…)
Has Gratuity Culture Reached a Tipping Point? #read Has Gratuity Culture Reached a Tipping Point? (more…)
Capex & Opex supercycles — the dusk of SaaS and the dawn of AI-SaaS #read Capex & Opex supercycles — the dusk of SaaS and the dawn of AI-SaaS (more…)
Google’s True Moonshot #read Google’s True Moonshot (more…)