Getting started with LDAP can be quite daunting. In the space of a weekend, I took myself on a bit of a crash course to learn about LDAP so that I could work on a project that needed LDAP to access an address book. Here are some of the things I learned along the way:
PHP XML Library
Could this finally be what I’ve been looking for? A generic XML-parsing library, written in PHP, which handles namespaces and attributes reasonably elegantly?
“coreylib is a PHP library for accessing Web service APIs like Twitter. You can use coreylib to explore APIs, cache their content, create mash-ups, and style the output.”
“PHP.JS is an open source project in which we try to port PHP functions to JavaScript. By including the PHP.JS library in your own projects, you can use your favorite PHP functions client-side.”
“Swift, Secure, and Small PHP 5 Framework”
PHP OpenID Library
“The PHP OpenID library lets you enable OpenID authentication on sites built using PHP. It features the OpenID consumer, Store implementations, and an OpenID server.”
PHP Speedy
“PHP Speedy is a script that you can install on your web server to automatically speed up the download time of your web pages. Here’s an example, from a test page:”
TightURL Project Page
“TightURL takes a very long URL as input, and returns a very short URL within the TightURL namespace.”
Slinky, a PHP class for URL shortening/lengthening
A few weeks ago, I tweeted that I was writing a PHP library for shortening/lengthening URLs using some of the common/popular services. I said it was going to be called Slinky, and that it’d support a bunch of different services. Well, it’s now available for download and I think it’s pretty cool, even if I do say so myself 😉
Please grab a copy, try it out and let me know what you think. It hasn’t actually been used for anything useful yet, so I’m also interested to hear what you’re using it for!