Kinda cool looking task manager/note taker for Mac.
Simple Image Processing Script, comes with Mac OS X and allows you to perform simple image operations from the command line.
Alfred App
“Alfred is a quicklaunch application for Mac OS X, which aims to save you time in searching your local computer and the web. Whether it’s maps, Amazon, eBay, Wikipedia, you can feed your web addiction quicker than ever before.”
“MagicPrefs is a free menubar and preference pane application for OSX which aims to improve the functionality and configuration options of the Apple Magic Mouse.”
Interesting looking Twitter app that seems quite powerful. Requires OSX 10.6.
“An easy-to-use SSH tunnel manager built specifically for the Mac.”
“SecuritySpy is a multi-camera video surveillance application for the Macintosh.”
“QuickCursor allows you to edit text from any application in your favorite text editor*.”
“Isolator is a small menu bar application that helps you concentrate. When you’re working on a document, and don’t want to be distracted, turn on Isolator. It will cover up your desktop and all the icons on it, as well as the windows of all your other applications, so you can concentrate on the task in hand.”
“Edit PDFs easily with PDFpen! Add text, images and signatures. Make corrections. Fill out PDF forms. Merge, delete and reorder pages.”