Awesome selection widget that allows you to enter all sorts of custom date ranges and specialized date selections. Very slick implementation.
Syntax highlighting class developed completely in JS. Pretty impressive.
How to develop a Firefox extension
How to develop a Firefox extension
Sweet tutorial breaking down the steps involved in writing a Firefox plugin/extension.
jQuery Edit In Place (JEIP)
Sweet jQuery plugin that provides edit in place functionality a la Flickr. Very nicely done and flexible.
Interesting jQuery plugin that allows you to quickly and easily build prototype pages that include different “states” (logged in/not, etc) and add notes. Provides a simple, toggle-based UI to access all elements on a single page and cookie based tracking of your selected state across pages.
jQuery Corners
Plugin for jQuery that handles rounding corners via JS (with anti-aliasing) for browsers that don’t have their own extensions available for it.
Using Javascript to Fix 12 Common Browser Headaches
Using Javascript to Fix 12 Common Browser Headaches
Really good list of fixes for problems. Lots of jQuery examples (of course).
Image Cropper
PHP/jQuery version of the upload/crop/thumbnail design pattern.
“Parallax turns a selected element into a ‘window’, or viewport, and all its children into absolutely positioned layers that can be seen through the viewport.”
HOWTO: Implement Facebook Connect on WordPress (in reality)
2008-12-23: There were a number of problems with the code samples in this post previously due to some WordPress formatting problems. They are all corrected now, and you should be able to follow through this post and get this working on your own blog quite easily.
2008-12-26: Fixed a bug that caused the JS to overwrite details on a non-FB Connect comment as well. Also changed the fake email address that’s stored to include the user’s FB user ID.
In case you’ve been living under a no-technology-news rock for the last few weeks, you’ll know that Facebook Connect was released recently. I had been seeing/hearing a lot about it, including this video at Mashable, showing how to implement FB Connect in 8 minutes. So when my friend Morgan from BlownMortgage asked me if I’d be able to help him implement it on his new resume-editing site, I figured “how hard could it be” and said yes. Although it definitely didn’t take 8 minutes, I got it done, so I thought I’d post some details on the specific approach I used for