PHP ICO provides an easy-to-use PHP class that can be used to generate valid ICO files. Note that these are not simply BMP, GIF, or PNG formatted images with an extension of ico, the images generated by this class are fully valid ICO-formatted image files.
Flat Icons & Icon Fonts
Huge collection of flat icon fonts for use in web development.
IcoMoon App
Pretty amazing online app that allows you to build your own custom webfont, containing all sorts of awesome vector/font icons for social media etc. Brilliant.
Social Media Icons
Set of very nicely-designed and relatively consistent social media icons. Perfect for lifestreams/activity streams.
FavIcon from Pics
Create a favicon, iPod icon etc by uploading an image.
pinvoke – Icons and pixel fonts
pinvoke – Icons and pixel fonts
Awesome little icons. Free download.
OPML Icon Project
Like FeedIcons, but for OPML