Pretty awesome, super-simple API-based service for sending notifications to distributed devices. Has an iPhone + Growl app.
“ is your global web notification system. Real-time notifications of events from the web, under your control.” Hooks into Growl and other notification systems, accepts triggers via Web Hooks and Comet Stream
Growl notifications sent to your iPhone.
a Jabber/XMPP interface to Growl. Awesome.
“A Unified Notification System for the Web”, brings Growl-like notifications to the browser, which may be triggered via websites.
FeedGrowler update: Custom icons
I’ve just updated the code for FeedGrowler so that it supports custom icons for each feed that you are monitoring. All you need to do is include the full path to an icon/image file as the second argument when you call feedgrowler.php (or in your crontab).
This version also supports Atom feeds (in addition to previous RSS 2.0 support).
Check out the latest FeedGrowler.
FeedGrowler – get Growl notifications from your feeds
On a whim, I whipped up this quick project today. Basically it just gives you a Growl notification when a feed you’re monitoring gets a new post (or technically, when the most recent post in the feed changes content).
jgrowl :
jGrowl is a jQuery plugin that raises unobtrusive messages within the browser, similar to the way that OS X’s Growl Framework works.
“FlickrBooth is a simple little plugin for Apple’s Photo Booth. Just install, follow the setup instructions, and snap away!”
php-growl – Google Code
PHP class to handle sending network Growl notifications using PHP