Gallery/showcase of cool design and functionality for mobile devices. Very nice.
Create Resizing Thumbnails Using Overflow Property | Css Globe
Create Resizing Thumbnails Using Overflow Property | Css Globe
Hiding portions of an image to create a thumbnail, then showing the whole thing, in-place, when rolled over.
FancyZoom 1.1
Sweet zooming effect to go from a small image to a large version within the page (like Apple uses).
Shadowbox.js Media Viewer
Yet another LightBox implementation. This one uses no framework in particular, but “plays nice” with a bunch of them if you’d like.
ThickBox 3.1
One LightBox to rule them all. Made by one of the jQuery guys, includes ability to load from AJAX requests, iframe content, inline it, etc etc.
BlueFlip Art
Some really cool prints from some very talented artists. I like their styles.