
The Andes, From Above
Pretty amazing view, flying from Santiago over to Buenos Aires. You fly directly over the Andes (which can cause some fun turbulence, as experienced on the way back!).
On Airplane Productivity (PlaneWorking)
This week just passed, I had to fly (last-minute) from San Francisco to Minnesota for a funeral (and managed to be there for Thanksgiving as well). That meant 2 flights of a little over 3 hours each. Some people might see this as a drama, and a big loss of productive time, but I saw it as exactly the opposite. I’m hardly the first person to comment on it, but flying can be an extremely productive time to get things done, and I often find myself getting loads of work done while flying.
I had a string of things that needed to be completed/added/fixed on a client project before I left from SFO, and literally finished all of them and more before I arrived at MSP. I would normally have estimated that the list of things I had to do would take around 6 hours to complete. Removing ascent and descent times, (and judging by battery life), I probably only worked for about 2, but I still managed to get everything done. What’s going on here? (more…)

Duck Hunt!
There are a *lot* of ducks on Denton’s property. They have refuge areas, and also hunting areas.