I used to maintain a wiki full of personal ideas using DokuWiki, but at some point just gave up with wiki syntax entirely. A few months ago when I was moving all of my sites and content over to a new server and trying to consolidate things as much as possible, I decided to import all of that old content into a WordPress install (which was actually a single site within the same Multi-site install that runs Dented Reality). I ended up writing the following super-rough script to just scrape the contents of the pages and throw them into WordPress. Scraping the pages meant that I could get the actual output of all plugins etc, and also get full links between pages.
Getting DokuWiki to use WordPress Authentication (v1.2) [ thedeadone.net ]
Getting DokuWiki to use WordPress Authentication (v1.2) [ thedeadone.net ]
Authentication plugin for DokuWiki that uses a WordPress DB’s users etc to log in.
plugin:bliki [DokuWiki]
My plugin for DokuWiki that allows you to quickly and easily create a simple blog using the wiki engine as the backend.
Wikipatterns – Wiki Patterns
A site showing tips/tricks (patterns) for driving wiki adoption. Ideas on bringing them into an organization as well as improving/expanding their use when already established.
wiki:auth:mysql [DokuWiki]
Authentication model for DokuWiki that backs onto an existing MySQL database for user/pass/group information.