CodeMirror: In-browser code editing
“CodeMirror is a JavaScript library that can be used to create a relatively pleasant editor interface for code-like content ― computer programs, HTML markup, and similar.” Better option than CodePress?
CodeMirror: In-browser code editing
“CodeMirror is a JavaScript library that can be used to create a relatively pleasant editor interface for code-like content ― computer programs, HTML markup, and similar.” Better option than CodePress?
9 Ways to Build Your Own Social Networking Site
Free and open options for setting up at least the framework of a community site.
Storing Hierarchical Data in a Database
Tutorial/summary of some different approaches to storing hierarchical information in a database.
“XML-RPC Client is a free Cocoa-based developer tool for Mac OS X Tiger that allows you to access and debug XML-RPC web services from the comfort of your desktop.”
“his WordPress hooks database automatically scans each WP build for apply_filters() and do_action() to figure out exactly which hooks are available in each version and where the hooks occur.”
If you’re coding in PHP and checking variables to see if they have a strlen() == 0, or isset() or a variety of other possibilities, you might consider using empty() instead. It’s quite versatile and is nice because it doesn’t trigger any warnings or notices if you use it on a variable which hasn’t been set yet. Here are some examples to show you what it will match against:
<?php $zero_string = '0'; $zero_int = 0; $false = false; $empty_string = ''; $array = array(); $obj = new stdClass(); echo empty( $zero_string ) ? "'0' = empty\n" : ''; echo empty( $zero_int ) ? "0 = empty\n" : ''; echo empty( $false ) ? "false = empty\n" : ''; echo empty( $empty_string ) ? "'' = empty\n" : ''; echo empty( $array ) ? "array() = empty\n" : ''; echo empty( $obj ) ? "stdClass() = empty\n" : ''; echo empty( $foo ) ? "foo is empty (and the variable was never set)\n" : '';
Awesome list of “hidden” features in PHP on StackOverflow. Really good collection of tips, pointers etc.
“Once activated, the plugin adds a “Console” page to the administrator’s “Tools” menu. This page includes a JavaScript-based interactive shell which loads the WordPress environment. It allows execution of arbitrary PHP code as well as anything defined by WordPress or activated plugins. This is awesome.”
Managing multiple /etc/hosts files in Mac OS X
Post from Sam Bauers including a short script that allows you to manage your /etc/hosts file as a symlink to a collection of variable files.
iPhone UI library for developing web-based apps that look iPhone-ish.