Checked in at Naidre's Cafe.
Maybe #cafeworking? Small tables, but has (locked) #wifi
Checked in at Naidre's Cafe.
Maybe #cafeworking? Small tables, but has (locked) #wifi
Background coffee-shop noise.
Checked in at Has Beans.
Random little #cafeworking place?
Checked in at Brooklyn Roasting Company.
Coffee and #cafeworking
Checked in at Postmark.
Some afternoon #cafeworking
Checked in at Vineapple Cafe.
Looks like a very cool (and popular) place for #cafeworking. Has #wifi.
Checked in at Borderlands Cafe.
Would be a great place for #cafeworking.
Checked in at Du Jour Bakery.
They have food and #wifi now, will have to try #cafeworking here.
Checked in at Forty Weight Café.
This place is pretty cool, but busy! #cafeworking