WordPress Post Editor for Balsamiq
Template for working on WordPress the post editor UI in Balsamiq Mockups.
WordPress Post Editor for Balsamiq
Template for working on WordPress the post editor UI in Balsamiq Mockups.
Tools we use for running our startup
Writeup from Balsamiq on the tools they use in the daily operation of their technology-heavy startup.
I used to use OmniGraffle Pro for all of my diagramming needs, including for wireframes. When I needed to do some wireframing for a client, I decided it was about time I found some better stencils (pre-built shapes) for OmniGraffle so that I could get these things done more easily and consistently. That turned into a wild goose chase, which ended with OmniGraffle no longer loading properly and an approaching deadline to have my diagrams done. But then I found Balsamiq Mockups, and all was well. (more…)