A web service for testing web services. Performs HTTP requests and gives you the full request/response. Allows you to save requests etc
WordPress JSON API
Plugin to add a simple JSON-based API to a WordPress installation. Allows for all sorts of potential AJAX loveliness.
Yahoo! GeoPlanet Data
Extensive geo data for place names and significant locations around the world. Data files provided by Yahoo with a Creative Commons license
Atom Landscape Overview
Excellent list of resources/links/specs relating to Atom and AtomPub.
“Webhooks are a simple paradigm for developing instant notifications and mashups based on simple HTTP requests. With HookPress you can set up webhooks so that a specified URL (a public service or something you set up) is requested when certain WordPress actions occur.”
WordPress hooks database
“his WordPress hooks database automatically scans each WP build for apply_filters() and do_action() to figure out exactly which hooks are available in each version and where the hooks occur.”
Web Hooks
“User-defined HTTP callbacks for push, pipes and plugins”
Interesting looking messaging platform (SMS, email, Twitter, GTalk, AIM, Phone). Fully API-accessible, but billed 1c per credit (up to 10c per message!)