5 ways to immediately optimize team performance https://leaddev.com/team/5-ways-immediately-optimize-team-performance #read 5 ways to immediately optimize team performance (more…)
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What Andreesen Horowitz got wrong about engineering management https://leaddev.com/team/what-andreesen-horowitz-got-wrong-about-engineering-management #read What Andreesen Horowitz got wrong about engineering management (more…)
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How I upgraded my water heater and discovered how bad smart home security can be https://arstechnica.com/gadgets/2024/05/how-i-upgraded-my-water-heater-and-discovered-how-bad-smart-home-security-can-be/ #read How I upgraded my water heater and discovered how bad smart home security can be (more…)
The Impossible Role of a Player-Coach https://newsletter.canopy.is/p/the-impossible-role-of-a-player-coach #read The Impossible Role of a Player-Coach (more…)
Maker vs. Manager: How Your Schedule Can Make or Break You https://fs.blog/maker-vs-manager/ #read Maker vs. Manager: How Your Schedule Can Make or Break You (more…)
Why Coaching (Really) Matters for Engineering Leadership https://hagakure.substack.com/p/the-hagakure-80-why-coaching-really #read Why Coaching (Really) Matters for Engineering Leadership (more…)