@akires and Abe ping ponging at Factotum Brewhouse https://scontent.cdninstagram.com/t50.2886-16/22903525_142261313171554_7630943659810095104_n.mp4 @akires and Abe ping ponging at Factotum Brewhouse 39.7699-105.00336
At #chromedevsummit with @goldsounds. He’ll be speaking later about PWAs and #WordPress via #Jetpack 37.7849162-122.4020172
@akires and I turned one of our home grown pumpkins into roasted chipotle seeds and delicious bread. #winning
This place is really cute, and seems to be a good spot for #cafeworking. Will try their food as well. 39.76464-104.95653
Morning garden buddies. #monarchbutterfly #monarch https://scontent.cdninstagram.com/t50.2886-16/22182671_478021832580051_1142097839128576000_n.mp4 Morning garden buddies. #monarchbutterfly #monarch 39.7572-104.967
Hello, garden friends. #butterfly #monarchbutterfly #monarch https://scontent.cdninstagram.com/t50.2886-16/22138272_133886520676756_7728592683337252864_n.mp4 Hello, garden friends. #butterfly #monarchbutterfly #monarch 39.7572-104.967