Turn your spreadsheets into APIs effortlessly.
A Generic HTML5 Template
boilerplate markup (a blank HTML document template) for HTML5-capable web pages.
Simplest possible examples of HTML, CSS and JavaScript.
Human JavaScript
Complete book about writing better JavaScript.
A highly modular, loosely coupled, non-frameworky framework for building advanced JavaScript apps.
a utility for generating map overviews using GeoJSON and HTML Canvas.
Vert.x is a lightweight, high performance application platform for the JVM that’s designed for modern mobile, web, and enterprise applications.
The client-side scraping companion
bounce.js lets you create tasty CSS3 powered animations in no time.
RFC 7033 – WebFinger
This specification defines the WebFinger protocol, which can be used to discover information about people or other entities on the Internet using standard HTTP methods. WebFinger discovers information for a URI that might not be usable as a locator otherwise, such as account or email URIs.