Bill Lazar of saw my collection of functions and decided that for portability and re-usability’s sake, they would be better managed as a complete class.He went ahead and developed this class which he submitted to me, and which I have posted here for everyone’s convenience.
Please check out Bill’s website to see what else he’s up to!
Download Blogger API Class (12.5 KiB, 10,320 hits)
Methods Available
Core Blogger API Functions
- $blog->getUsersBlogs();
- $blog->getUserInfo();
- $blog->getRecentPosts(int blogID, int numPosts);
- $blog->getPost(int postID);
- $blog->newPost(int blogID, string textPost, boolean publish);
- $blog->editPost(int blogID, string textPost, boolean publish);
- $blog->deletePost(int postID, boolean publish);
- $blog->getTemplate(int blogID, string template);
- $blog->setTemplate(int blogID, string template);
Custom Extension Functions
- $blog->getUsersBlogsSelect(string name, string selected, array extra);