Following are some of the cool features of webpad. Have a look around and you’re likely to find more; with 4 years of development behind the current version, it’s hard to keep track of them all.
- Simple Installation: just drop webpad into a directory and request it through a browser. It will tell you if anything is wrong, or prompt you to start configuring your settings if everything looks ok.
- Comprehensive User Manual: accessible directly from the toolbar at all times.
- Browser Compatibility: webpad now works in Firefox (PC and Mac), Camino (Mac) and Internet Explorer 6 (PC)
Powerful Settings Interface: control all features in webpad through the simple yet powerful Settings interface.
- Powerful Plugins: Write your own plugin to access data from almost anywhere web accessible. Harness the power of PHP and you can access data tucked away in a database, via email, in a Wiki: the sky’s the limit.
- File Management Tools: when accessing files, you can also create directories plus delete and rename files. webpad might be just about all you need to manage your website!
- Keyboard Shortcuts: most common features and tools are accessible through keyboard shortcuts (see the User Manual for more details).
Edit Files From All Over!:
- From your computer (upload a text-based file and start editing)
- From the server webpad is installed on (perfect for editing a website quickly)
- From any FTP Server (configure as many as you like and edit files on them live!)
- From a website (open the source code of almost any website right from webpad)
- From your blog! (, MovableType, WordPress, LiveJournal and blosxom)
Upload Files: webpad allows you to upload any files (like an image, PDF, Word Document etc) to your server and save it within your home directory.
- Email Files: you can send any file as an email. webpad even automatically detects HTML-formatted messages and sends them properly.
- Print: print your documents to get a look at them on paper. Use webpad’s Print tool to avoid the normal problems with printing from the web.
- Go-to Line: an ever-useful programming tool, webpad includes the ability to jump directly to any line in your file. Just click the ‘Goto Line’ tool, enter a line number and jump straight there.
- Find/Find Next: cycle through all occurrences of a string in your document to find just what you’re looking for.
Find and Replace: locate all occurrences of a string in your document and replace them with something else.
- HTML-specific Tools
- Bold/Italics: quickly drop in the tags to (correctly) format your text in HTML as bold (<strong>) and italics (<em>).
- Insert A Link: insert an HTML link to an email address, a page, FTP server or even a news:// server.
- Insert An Image: easily insert the correct code for including an image in your HTML document using the ‘Image’ tool.
- Indent/Blockquote: control some block-level formatting of your HTML documents easily.
- Left/Center/Right/Justify Align A Paragraph: you can quickly start a new paragraph which is aligned any way you like it. Just move your cursor and then click the right button to add <p> tags with the correct alignment.
- Color (hex) Picker: insert the hex code for any color easily by picking it in this simple tool.
- Insert A Table: enter some simple details and webpad will instantly insert the HTML code required to create the table you want.
- Insert A List: ordered? unordered? No problem. webpad an create any of the available HTML-style lists quickly and without fuss. Pick which one you want, then enter each item on a new line and webpad will take care of the rest.
- Templates: Create default file templates which may be easily accessed when creating a new file.
Check out the Screenshots page for more shots of the webpad interface.