What is RSS?

I got an email from someone in relation to FeedBlendr, asking me what RSS really is, and what you’re supposed to do with it. He liked my reply so much that I thought I’d share it here for anyone else who’s having a bit of a tough time understanding all these acronyms (although admittedly I did use another one in my definition, but what the hey?);

“So basically RSS is a way for websites to make their content (normally time-based stuff like blog posts or news) available to people in a machine-readable format (a dialect of XML)”

Hope that helps someone (else) out there!

FeedBlendr – Custom, combined news feeds for the masses

I’ve just released a project I’ve been working on, called FeedBlendr. Basically it allows you to create custom feeds by combining any number of existing RSS or Atom files into a single one. It’s got some funky AJAX-checking on URLs, and soon it will have some slick integration with FeedBurner which should allow me to do some very cool things with it.

Check it out and see if it’s useful – hopefully when combined with some other things I’m working on it’ll allow you to mash feeds up just the way you want them.

Why I Hate Macs

Their keyboard navigation sucks. I mean certain programs have great keyboard shortcuts and all, but I’m talking standard stuff, like tab between buttons in a window and hit enter/space to do something. Launch a file from Finder. There are some basic things that they’re missing here, and it’s killing me.

Having said that, I did just buy my second Mac laptop (15″ PowerBook G4), which I totally love; except for this horrendous shortcoming. And if it’s possible, it actually got worse between my iBook and this PowerBook. A bunch of the programs which got updates have now stopped offering the alternative default outlined buttons in dialogs which I could hit space to activate – which was pretty much the only thing that was better than Windows’ keyboard nav.

Maybe I’m missing something.

UPDATE 2005-12-13: So I figured out how to ‘launch’ an item that’s highlighted in Finder, and it’s almost worse knowing than it was not. Apple-down-arrow. WTF???

Resizing Browser Windows With JavaScript

So here’s an annoying one – I wanted to resize my browser window automatically, after the page had loaded (in a dynamic pop-up), to meet certain size requirements (namely to match a background image). The problem that I had was that all the different browsers support different methods and properties in relation to the ‘viewport’ (visible area of the browser), so I was having trouble finding a reliable way to do this.

I found a great breakdown over at quirksmode.org, but it didn’t actually work in Safari (2.0.2), so I found that out pretty quickly, because that’s what I’m working in. After a little playing around, I came up with the following modifications, which calculates the amount of chrome visible in the currrent window, and then takes that into account when resizing the entire window size.

I haven’t tested this on too much other than Safari and Firefox on a Mac, but I think it should be reasonably compatible with others.

// Viewable size you want once resized
x = 600;
y = 400;

// Now set the window size for different browser types
// all except Explorer
if (self.innerHeight) {
	// Figure out the measurements
	iX = self.innerWidth;
	iY = self.innerHeight;
	oX = self.outerWidth;
	oY = self.outerHeight;

	// And resize to match the desired target
	gX = oX - iX;
	gY = oY - iY;
	window.resizeTo(x + gX, y + gY)
// Explorer 6 Strict Mode
else if (document.documentElement && document.documentElement.clientHeight) {
	document.documentElement.clientWidth = x;
	document.documentElement.clientHeight = y;
// other Explorers
else if (document.body) {
	document.body.clientWidth = x;
	document.body.clientHeight = y;

Google Maps Bookmarklet

I’m sick of Cmd-T, maps.google.com, Enter, ‘address’ + ‘, sf, ca’ so I made this quick little bookmarklet to speed up the process a little.

Drag it to your bookmark toolbar, then click it, enter a street address (eg. ‘2000 Bush St’) and hit ‘Ok’ to get an instant Google Map to that location in San Francisco (my current hometown).


Obviously editing this to work for different cities in the US would be trivial – knock yourselves out.

Today, Fuck You Apple

WARNING: Explicit language ahead!

I’d like to officially put out a big “fuck you” to Apple today, and here’s why…

  1. Imported some photos into iPhoto this morning, and deleted them from my camera when I was done (never had a problem with that before). I rotated a few of them because they were around the wrong way, and then iPhoto decided that it would lose track of a bunch of them, and corrupt the originals. I have 8,415 photos in my library, and now it looks like new imports are going to be a problem. Fuck you iPhoto.
  2. iTunes said it needed to be updated, so I went ahead and updated it. Re-opened iTunes, and it decided my library file wasn’t valid, so it created a new one, and lost track of all of my playlists. Fuck you too iTunes.
  3. I emptied my Trash yesterday. I don’t know how much stuff was in there, but there was a lot. Next time I tried to shut down, FileVault wanted to reclaim a bunch of space. No problem, does that every time I shut down. It tried for over an hour, before I turned off my PowerBook and gave up. I can’t turn FileVault off either, because it claims that I need a spare 4,088 GIGABYTES (!) of space to create an unencrypted copy of my home folder. Now every time I try to restart/shut down, same thing happens, and it sits there for a long time – so I can’t shut down cleanly. Also, a big “fuck you” to FileVault.
  4. And now, for the grand finale. Mac OS X 10.4.3 System Update. Wow. Complete the update “successfully”. Restart. No Keychain. No Dock. No Accounts in Mail. No application preferences in pretty much anything. In short – fucked. Overall – a MASSIVE FUCK YOU to the Apple Mac OS X 10.4.3 System Update.

Now if you’ll excuse me, I’m going to go waste half my day reconfiguring everything because Apple decided my settings weren’t important.

LiveJournal Atom API Support

As soon as I posted details of my new Atom API library to the SixApart ProNet mailing list, I got an email from their Manager of Platform Technology, and then another one from Anil Dash, both with hopes that I could include LiveJournal support.

I’m now in touch with one of their people who’s handling the actual implementation of their APIs, so hopefully I’ll be able to work out what’s going on and add LJ support to the code library soon. At the moment, my WSSE authentication is failing on the second request to their API, even though it’s working on the first one… curious.