Time is flying here in Santiago, and we’re starting to realize that we’re much closer to the end of our trip than we are to the beginning. On the upside, we realized on about Tuesday that we still had as much time left as many people have when they first start a trip to Chile, so there’s plenty of time to do some fun things. Here’s what we got up to this week, excluding the details of our trip to the Andes, which will be a post all of its own!
Sometimes I post things that are kind of personal, so I make sure to put them in this category. If there is a password on any of these posts, then the password will be my date of birth, in YYYY-MM-DD format. If you know me reasonably well, then you should know that (or just ask me and I’ll tell you).
The Trip Goes On
OK, here we go with another long update covering about a week of our adventures in Santiago (and surrounds).
Buenos Aires For The Weekend
When we originally planned our trip down here, there were 2 places at the top of our list. Santiago and Buenos Aires. Santiago won out by a hair, but BsAs was right up there. After copious amounts of harassment from Robin, I finally gave in, and we picked up some cheap tickets to duck over there for the weekend. For Christmas. I’ll comment on the sanity of that in a minute, but here are some general notes from our Christmas weekend in Buenos Aires!
Santiago, Week One
We’ve been here for over a week now, and it already feels relatively familiar and normal (in a good way), and we’re getting our feet under us. We’ve been lucky enough to spend some time with a string of different folks who we somehow managed to get connected up with (all connections from before we got here), and we’ve done some more tourist things, plus started getting some real work done.
These updates are as much for my memory as for any interest they may (or may not) be to other folks, so I don’t doubt that they will bore a lot of you to tears. This is a big one…
On Cafe Working
Since arriving in Santiago, I’ve been posed with the challenge of finding good locations to work from. I like to work from cafes, which I refer to as “cafeworking”. Whether you’re traveling or just wanting to get out of the house for the day though (assuming you work from home, like I normally do), your selection criteria are probably similar either way. I decided that I’d document some of the things I look for when I’m trying to find a good place to work for the day. Feel free to add your own criteria in the comments.
First Few Days in Santiago
It’s now the first Sunday after arriving here in Santiago, Chile, so I wanted to do a bit of a round-up of how things have been so far, post some photos and get down my first impressions. I’m lazy, so I’m going to use bullet-form to get down a bunch of random bits and pieces:
The Chile Experiment
In a few days, I leave to go to Santiago, Chile for 40 days. It’s not a vacation. It’s not a work trip. If anything, it’s an experiment. It’s a test of the concept of truly remote working and of living a more portable (nomadic?) lifestyle. Hopefully, it’s a test of the future.
My apologies in advance, I have a feeling this post is going to ramble a bit…
WordCamp NYC Round Up
This past weekend, WordCamp NYC was held at Baruch College in New York. It was (I believe) the second biggest WordCamp to date, if not the biggest (by number of attendees), right up there with WordCamp San Francisco. WCNYC was an incredibly busy event, with so much great WordPress stuff going on at any one time that it was hard to decide what to attend. I was lucky enough to be able to present/be involved in not just one, but 4 presentations throughout the weekend, and I wanted to get some slides and details up here for reference.
When I was growing up (on a “hobby farm”), we raised chickens which we mostly had for their eggs. We always had fresh eggs, and would sometimes get what we always called “double-yolkers”. Two yolks in a single egg. Until recently, I think I’d only ever had one of them from a store-bought egg. Something has changed though. In the last carton of eggs that I bought (Rock Island, Brown Fertile Jumbo Grade A), I got THREE different double-yolkers:
Something in the water?
WordCamp Los Angeles is in 2.5 weeks
On September 12, WordCamp LA will bring you all kinds of WordPress-y goodness in the Los Angeles area. The day-long event is being held at Loyola Marymount University (right near LAX which is handy for anyone flying in), and will give you a day jam-packed with all sorts of juicy tips, tricks, tools and general information relating to your favorite state-of-the-art publishing platform: WordPress.