Use whatever brace style you prefer.
But not this.
Don\'t do this.
Seek help instead of this. https://t.co/1EYb7BLHkb
Use whatever brace style you prefer.
But not this.
Don\'t do this.
Seek help instead of this. https://t.co/1EYb7BLHkb
Time-shifting/read-later tool of choice: @instapaper vs @pocket. Opinions? Preferences? Why?
Open source survives because people like @photomatt stand on principle and protect the GPL https://t.co/GbH5SnbJyc via @VentureBeat
Somewhere, there's a burrito Friday happening. #burritofriday https://t.co/GQVmkb2f4S
The Wix Mobile App, a WordPress Joint https://t.co/iHN3f9pfRn
I looked back over the management questions I get the most often; here are the most common pieces of advice I give out, in ten tweets.