Pretty extensive Makefile tutorial. We have Gulp and Grunt and whatnot, but Make still holds its own.
Posts from July 2015

Got my new @yourKarma Go. Speed tests from laptop (lots of stuff still open/running) and iPhone:

"iDNS" (Internet Domain Name Services) of NJ are such predatory, scammer, scumbags.

RT @bascule: The JavaScript abyss (via

RT @j_armstrng: "When Google increased paid maternity leave from 12 weeks to 18 weeks, the number of new moms who quit Google dropped by 50…

Programmers: be aggressively and persistently lazy (by avoiding creating code that requires maintenance), future you will thank you.

RT @gearpatrol: if you’re willing to try (and fail), your next #date may be just waiting for you to say hello. http:…

RT @aardvarsk: Whoa, I just realized the President works from home.