RT @wordpressdotcom: We are thrilled to welcome @femfreq to @WordPressVIP—and congrats on your @Time 100 honor! http://feministfrequency.com/ http…
Posts from April 2015
GLORY. #burritoeveryday. TTB: 1 hr. (@ Taqueria Cancun in San Francisco, CA) https://www.swarmapp.com/c/c0chHkwlnST http://t.co/Cfo49rOQxX
RT @DavidNakamura: Woman blogger in town hall to Obama: "We make significantly more money on a mommy blog than as a school teacher."
- Flew Denver (DEN) to San Francisco (SFO). 1,553 km on United Airlines in 2h, 48m.
RT @WordCampDenver: Buy your ticket now to WordCamp Denver, June 13-14 2015. Only $40 #wordpress #wcdenver15 http://ow.ly/LfFFB
RT @Veronica: This cover of Radiohead's Creep is just… absolutely stunning. https://youtu.be/m3lF2qEA2cw
Temporarily re-opened @WordCampDenver speaker apps. JavaScript? Design? Mobile? Tell us about it! https://docs.google.com/forms/d/17vG6RWHDWB1dgn78riov2Se-9oSL0-2D5Uc9cmQjuyU/viewform?c=0&w=1
The Internet is a place.