What I Learned About the Future by Reading 100 Science Fiction Books — Better Humans — Medium

Where the heck did all this snow come from?! http://t.co/vlYw54Fqp0
Where the heck did all this snow come from?! http://t.co/vlYw54Fqp0
Bought a bow. Pretty excited to go shoot it at things.
Gettin my bow on. (@ Rocky Mountain Specialty Gear in Denver, CO) https://www.swarmapp.com/c/cj8zlQnTBCg
RT @murphyfishing: New Food Show, @saltfreshfield "Go out there. Get your food. Bring it back and share it"http://vimeo.com/117527094 Stamp Riv…
RT @epaga: No, seriously, people, this is insanity. http://youtu.be/7rDsRXj9-cU?t=22m24s #reactnative #reactjs
RT @andy_matuschak: I say with confidence as a former UIKit author: React's model for the UI layer is vastly better than UIKit's. React Nat…
Eating high-cacao content chocolate and drinking kombucha. What have I become? This is not even Brooklyn.