I used to think about this all the time in winter in Brooklyn! http://www.boredpanda.com/deep-dark-fears-3/
I used to think about this all the time in winter in Brooklyn! http://www.boredpanda.com/deep-dark-fears-3/
Targeted advertising is so disappointingly primitive still. Ads following me around the web; I already bought those products!
Looks like I'll be visiting the one place I've always wanted to visit, this year. Japan in February, here I come.
RT @photomatt: How Paul Graham Is Wrong http://wp.me/p4oB3-bAs
RT @washingtonpost: Despite high-profile tragedies, 2014 was the safest year on record for flying http://wapo.st/1HW6Ycp http://t.co/jQu5vj…
RT @rauchg: The 20-year anniversary of JavaScript is coming up on September 2015: http://t.co/KSYXVCNw4Q
Just went to add a concert to my calendar, and because I'd received tickets via email, Google had beaten me to it. http://weknowgifs.com/wp-content/uploads/2013/03/its-magic-shia-labeouf-gif.gif
$9.50 for a hot chocolate and a candy bar – you must be skiing!
Current Status: Watching instructional videos to learn how to ski.