LET'S GO GIANTS! (@ The Park Tavern in Denver, CO) https://www.swarmapp.com/c/jf1suDDxnJY
LET'S GO GIANTS! (@ The Park Tavern in Denver, CO) https://www.swarmapp.com/c/jf1suDDxnJY
Hey Denver, where should I go to watch the Giants win the World Series tonight?
What I really wanted to deal with today was all sorts of problems with my laptop. Obvs.
Walked in right as Kimbra walked on stage. (@ Randolph's Restaurant And Bar – @warwickdenver) https://www.swarmapp.com/c/jzO0OBBUpkm http://t.co/jXDLFfVCdZ
Watching this Giants game on the flight home from #wcsf14. Brutal.
RT @WordPressVIP: Developers, editors, & administrators, get training from @WordPressVIP in San Francisco & New York City in November! http…
RT @aidanfeldman: Verizon is launching a tech news site…that bans stories on spying or net neutrality. you can't make this shit up. http:…
I just can't take people seriously when they complain about SF's weather. http://t.co/AnaNdD323t
Farewell #wcsf14 people! Was excellent seeing/meeting you all. Many great discussions, presentations and learnings. See you at WordCamp US?