RT @aaronjorbin: Huge props to @helenhousandi for leading WordPress 4.0. I owe you some pizza rolls (and a beer).
Posts from September 2014
RT @wonderboymusic: Congrats to @helenhousandi for being a baller and leading 4.0 – proud of my homie!
RT @danielbachhuber: Standard Flavored Markdown http://blog.codinghorror.com/standard-flavored-markdown/
RT @danielbachhuber: The Terminal http://pocket.co/sAczK
RT @jennschiffer: this pattern library by @twholman and @claudioguglieri is absolutely stunning http://thepatternlibrary.com/
We're (still) hiring for a Systems Wrangler at @automattic. Is that you? http://wp.me/Pe4R-ad1
I just came across an Australian bar/cafe that has a daily "special" of "Gourmet bagel and coffee $12.50". So there's that. O_O
RT @maxogden: new version of the @nodeschool website is out! designed by @jllord http://nodeschool.io http://t.co/OfyBAlvr3r
RT @TheEconomist: In 1988, we ranked America as the best place to be born. Not any more http://econ.st/1r51KWV http://t.co/NGywBt9FbK