10 Lessons from 4 Years Working Remotely at Automattic
Sara Rosso: 10 Lessons from 4 Years Working Remotely at @Automattic http://t.co/GFGTPkmtEb
It's 84° at midnight. #thanksnyc
Looking for a great workout in New York? Come help me move boxes and pack a container tomorrow!
RT @helenhousandi: Big Media and Enterprise WordPress Meetup tonight! http://www.meetup.com/Big-Media-WordPress-Meetup/events/185909222/
Have I mentioned lately how much I hate working with contentEditable? Because I hate working with contentEditable. A lot.
10 Lessons from 4 Years Working Remotely at Automattic
Sara Rosso: 10 Lessons from 4 Years Working Remotely at @Automattic http://t.co/GFGTPkmtEb
RT @HistoryInPics: Market Street, San Francisco after the earthquake, 1906. http://t.co/rwN0YrxuPa
They're shredding the surface of my street, it's 90° and there's an air quality warning all day. #thanksnyc
Why Bikes Make Smart People Say Dumb Things
Michael Leuchtenburg: Why smart people say dumb things about cyclists: https://t.co/dRYanX8p9r
RT @dyfrgi: Why smart people say dumb things about cyclists: https://medium.com/@CarlAlviani/why-bikes-make-smart-people-say-dumb-things-9316abbd5735