RT @markwunsch: The Minority Report but instead of precogs its Big Data and mass surveillance lolololol
RT @markwunsch: The Minority Report but instead of precogs its Big Data and mass surveillance lolololol
RT @conradhackett: In this graph of life expectancy at birth vs. health spending per capita, one country stands out http://t.co/yqOxYlcKTW
Chicken heart soup for dinner, care of akires' mom. http://instagram.com/p/oetimYimEM/
RT @AnimalMashups: http://t.co/UQzxKZGQKO
RT @BreakingNews: 2 new Ebola deaths confirmed in West Africa, in Guinea and Sierra Leone, taking toll to 170 – @AP http://www.breakingnews.com/t/PoI
RT @wordpressdotcom: If your name became an adjective – like Kafka's or Orwell's – what would it mean? That's today's @postday prompt: http…
This could actually happen. Solar Freakin' Roadways: https://www.indiegogo.com/projects/solar-roadways
RT @TheEconomist: Prescriptive planting could be the biggest change to agriculture in rich countries since genetically modified crops http:…