(41) Designer Duds: Losing Our Seat at the Table – Mokriya – Quora
RT @heyitsgarrett: Over in @Mapbox land, I describe how to transform all your @movesapp biking, running, and walking data into a map.nnhttp…
RT @heyitsgarrett: Over in @Mapbox land, I describe how to transform all your @movesapp biking, running, and walking data into a map.nnhttp…
RT @photomatt: Scrollkit and Longreads at Automattic http://wp.me/p4oB3-bnC
#noderoad node.js meetup/hang (@ Convene at 730 Third Avenue w/ 2 others) http://4sq.com/PxQqmn
Vis.js is a dynamic, browser based visualization library. The library is designed to be easy to use, to handle large amounts of dynamic data, and to enable manipulation of and interaction with the data.
Great resource to make sure you’re calling things by their correct name in CSS-land.
Any single thing on the internet which describes an event (in time and/or space) should include a link to "Add to Calendar".